Then, Christmas morning. Papa & Sunny got Austin a slide! It was a big hit...

Yes, every toy went down - - -

The day after Christmas, we headed up north to Pensacola and had Christmas with the Boyd's and Heather & Joe:

With Aunt Heather- so sweet!

On his "I spy" blanket from MiMi that Ms. Williamson so lovingly made for him...

Then, we headed even further north up to Mississippi to the farm where we met up with some very special folks.
On the four-wheelers - - - he HAD to where the "hat":
Future Gator quarterback???? Um, by the way- how 'bout those Gators???!!! Woo-hoo! National champs again!!

A handsome group of Napier blood-

Playing with mommy-

Bubba and CC-
The "outlaws" :) - - - PS- for those who don't know, Luann is PREGNANT too!! Yea! (They are not sure what they are having yet.)
Great-granddaddy Joe and 3 of his greats!
And then back to Pensacola, where we visited Gigi:
Hope you all had a great one too!
Now - - - in closing, a picture for fun. One of mommy's favorites . . . not so much daddy's:

in my heels and matching necklace!! At least he has good taste :)