Saturday, November 15, 2008

Halloween Pics

Here are some pics of Austin in his Halloween costume. He was Mike Wazowski from the Disney movie Monster's, Inc. Sorry, they are a little late!

We went to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party again this year and had a blast! He was big hit - - as was cousin Jackson. Jackson was a Power Ranger, excuse me - "Rhino Ranger" -

Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!

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Sunday, October 26, 2008


We've definitely caught the fever . . . we are so excited for our Tampa Bay Rays making it to the World Series!! It's pretty exciting- the whole town is into it. So, we got Austin a jersey and hat and his daddy couldn't be more proud. Here are some pics

Scott got out the tee we got for Jackson a couple years ago and Austin went to town. It's all downhill from here. :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Babies, babies, babies

Introducing Jade Elaine Barthelemy and Gregory Cole Sager ...

Over the past three weeks, we have welcomed to the world two precious, precious babies from some very special parents.
The first arrival was Jade Barthelemy. She was born on September 22, and was 8 lbs, 1 oz!! Austin went with us to the hospital and while he had no clue what we were doing there, he enjoyed playing with the balloons and stuffed animal we brought for the baby. Jade is simply beautiful and mommy and daddy are doing great. Congrats Ryan and Lisa!!

Proud daddies!

The second arrival came just a couple days later, my cousin Cole. (Actually, these two babies had the same exact due date!) Cole was born on September 24, and was 8 lbs, 11oz!!! We got to visit him a couple weekends ago. He is the sweetest little thing and such a good sleeper! Austin was around Cole much longer than Jade and pretty much ignored him. I held Cole for HOURS, and Austin would just stop by and see me from time to time, study Cole for a minute, say "baby" and then walk off and go play. He just really wasn't that interested, which I guess is good. I'm afraid his tune might change when the baby is at our house and doesn't leave.

Cole with his big brother Zachary

Reading to Austin while holding the baby . . . I think I can handle it!!
Speaking of that--we have an announcement too! We will be welcoming Baby Boyd II to our home next spring! BBII is due May 4, and we are SO excited. I am almost 13 weeks and besides being CRAZY sick for the entire 1st trimester, things are going really well! Pictures of my ultrasound to come . . .

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Sunday, August 10, 2008


For some reason, I made this post and never posted it! oops~ So, this is actually from April...

"Every good and perfect gift is from above. " James 1:17
That is the scripture we put on Austin's birth announcement because it best describes what Austin is to us. An absolutely perfect gift from God! A couple of Sundays ago was Austin's baby dedication at our church. Having Austin dedicated was so important to us and it is a day that we will remember forever. We are so thankful that God has blessed us with such a precious gift. And, this day gave us a chance to publicly dedicate our baby to the One who gave him to us!
It was a very exciting day! I was so nervous that he would squeal and cry when our pastor held him to pray for him, but he just went right to him . . . phew!
We are so glad that MiMi & Granddaddy, Nay Nay, CC & Jax all got to be a part of this very special day.

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Summer Has Come . . . and Gone!

I have been such a terrible blogger. Where do you make the time to keep up with it all? I just don't know. Something's got to give, and usually, it's blogging for me ;)

Anyway, things in ole' Tampa are going great. We've had a fabulous summer. I know Scott is sad to see it go (since he hasn't had a day of work in a couple months- lucky dog) but for those of us who must work year round, it will be kind of nice to get back on the old schedule. I'm glad Scott has gotten to spend some QT with Austin though, they are getting pretty tight! Speaking of Austin (you knew it was coming) . . . he is SO much fun . . . and so stinkin' adorable!!! He's 15 months and starting to talk and really imitate the things we do, it's hysterical. Seriously, he's just about our only entertainment these days (besides Jax, of course).
Here's a little recap of some of our best summer moments through a few pics.

Thanks Papa & Sunny for the fun splash mat. It may look like he stayed put on this thing and played so content, but that is not the case. I spent about 30 minutes chasing him around the yard and sitting him back down on the mat, and then we went inside. He's a BUSY BODY for sure!

Daddy's hat, paci, phone, golf club, watching Baby Einstein . . . good to go.

Austin discovered Jackson's spider man rain boots and he's obsessed! Doesn't matter what he's wearing, if he sees the boots, he's got to have them on!

Hanging at the house with Nay-Nay.

This is from my 10 year high school reunion. What a blast! It was so much fun to see all our old friends and get to spend an entire weekend together!

I just love this picture- it's also from the reunion weekend. Isn't it so pretty? Two beautiful gals with lil' Austin, what more could he ask for???

Getting some love from Jax.

Ever heard of the Blue Ranger? Well, Jackson met him at MGM . . . definitely the highlight of Jackson's day.

Spending some time with MiMi and Granddaddy.

We also got to spend a couple days with Papa, Sunny and Chance in Orlando at Universal and had such a blast! I didn't take any pix though :( The only thing that could have made our summer complete would have been to see Heather & Joe and Alan, Luann & Olivia- We miss them SO SO much!!!! Alan just got a new job (congrats!) - Luann just started her third year of med school and as for little Olivia . . . she's not so little anymore. . . she's starting KINDERGARTEN this year!! I'm going to do a blog with pix of them soon so stay tuned.

Last, but definitely not least . . . this pic takes the cake . . . ACB trying to use goggles for the first time. Yes, his eyes are crossed. Not his best look, but I can't look at it without cracking up! This is from the 4th of July.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Back in Paradise . . .

Magen's Bay, St. Thomas, USVI

Isn't it gorgeous? This was our view every evening as the sun set. Could God have created anything more amazing? Over Memorial Day Weekend, Scott & I headed south again to the USVIs with our friends Anna & Geoffrey. The trip was just fabulous!! Without a doubt, this is our favorite place to travel and we are already planning to return soon. Relaxing by the pool, sitting on the beach, touring the islands, we just LOVE it all! PURE paradise.

Thanks to the Hancy's for joining us . . . you made it a memorable vacation for sure ;)

This past weekend, we went over to Daytona to visit my cousin Nicole and her fam. We always have the best time visiting them and now that we all have kids, it has become quite a spectacle -- but super fun!

We went to the pool and Austin & Jackson loved watching their big cousins Zach & Makenzie swimming all around. Jackson was so inspired that he swam by himself (with swimmies) for the first time AND put his face under the water holding his breath!! We are so proud of him. He now wants to go to the pool every day. Unfortunately, Austin was trying to put his face under the water like Jackson, so he didn't last long.

Looks like it is going to be a fun summer at the pool with these boys.

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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Happy First Birthday Austin!!!

Austin turned 1 on April 18, 2008! It is so crazy to think that one whole year has passed, but it could not have been more perfect. Scott & I are loving learning how to be parents and feel so blessed to have such a sweet little boy.

So, I put together a video story capturing our memories from his birthday weekend. There is music, so turn your speakers on!!

Love to all! Enjoy!

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dear ANNA . . .

I promise to post pictures of my "1 year old Austin" in the next few days. I just wanted to build the anticipation and excitement among my readers (ha! because there are SO many and all).

PS- Is it appropriate that I am blogging just to you?? Am I breaking blog etiquette?? Oh well!

21 days until our great adventure . . . yippee!

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Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Meet Chance . . .

my little brother:

Actually, most people reading our blog know Chance or at least know of him. I figured you might want to see him! He is SEVEN years old (so hard to believe) and as you can see he is turning out to be quite the little baseball player (which makes big brother Scott a very happy camper.) Last year he made the all-star team as a six-year-old playing with mostly seven-year-olds!! In case you can't tell, I am a little bit proud of him! When he's not playing baseball, he still keeps my dad & Sunny quite busy with basketball, cub scouts, birthday parties, Guitar Hero, swimming . . . oh, and he manages to fit school in there somewhere. He's a busy little boy.

Seriously, how great are these pictures?!

Anyway, It occured to me this week that I don't blog enough about my WHOLE family, so I'm going to do better at including those that we don't get to see as much. God has totally blessed me with the most amazing family, and Chance is a huge part of that blessing. We only wish we could watch him play more than we get to! We love you buddy! Hit me a homerun!!

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Monday, April 7, 2008

My Face Lift!

Well, I am just so tickled by my new face lift!!! Isn't it so fun??? My very dear, incredibly creative friend (who is the one responsible for me having a blog at ALL) gave me a blog makeover. Thanks, Anna!!! Didn't she do a fabulous job??!! I am trying to convince her into doing blog designs as a side business, and I think I almost have her convinced. I will keep everyone posted on that front in case you, too, would like a fresh new look for your blog.

PS- I even have a signature . . .

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so fun!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

A very Happy Easter

We had the most wonderful Easter weekend. We are finding that it is so fun to just hang out at home! And, the Easter Bunny came to visit our house for the first time in a while, bringing Austin some Easter treats. We weren't sure what the old bunny would bring a (nearly) one-year-old, but we found out he knew what he was doing . . .

. . . a new fuzzy ducky to cuddle, The Story of Easter book, a bathing suit and some plastic eggs with no candy inside! Austin enjoyed walking around with the eggs and banging them together, while screaming, of course.

Such a spirited little thing. We thank God for this precious, precious child! Hope your Easter was as bright and blessed as ours.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Gold Eagles . . . ????

This past weekend we stayed in a "cabin" in the Ocala National Forest. Well, the cabin was actually a double-wide trailer that had been completed gutted and was just beautiful inside!! who knew??!!! It is owned by Carmen's boss, who so graciously let us stay there for the weekend. The group consisted of Carmen, Charlie, Jackson, Scott, Austin and me, and our dear friends Ryan and Lisa Barthelemy. Lisa is expecting their first baby and we couldn't be more excited for them! Congrats friends!! Oh, and then Nay Nay joined us on Saturday night -- we were so excited that she was able to stop by! Especially the kiddies . . .

So, we spent lots of time outside and the boys had a BLAST doing all the outdoorsy things boys do!! There was some 4-wheeling, some playing in the leaves and dirt, and we even had a bon fire and made s'mores! Although, I didn't know what to do with myself having nothing to do! A good problem to have.

While Austin was napping on Saturday, I stayed at the house with him while the rest of the group went to see "critters" in the forest. They came back raving about all the things they saw . . . let's see if I can remember everything . . . 2 bears, an antelope, a zebra, a wildebeest, some coyotes, and even a "gold" eagle (which was actually supposed to be a "bald" eagle, but who can keep that straight, right Lisa??!!!!) Evidently the bald eagle was carrying 13 arrows in one talon (representing the 13 colonies???) and an olive branch in the other. Their story was just a little far-fetched, don't you think? In all actuality, they saw NOTHING, not even a grasshopper! Ha! Oh well, it was a nice try.

All in all, it was a great weekend.