Sunday, January 20, 2008

Austin's First Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas with Austin! He is absolutely the most precious and perfect gift we could have ever asked for. He didn't really know what was going on, but he sure had fun! Heather & Joe and MiMi & Granddaddy came down from Pensacola, and then Nay Nay, Simon, CC, Jackson & Charlie came over to join in on the fun. We had a house FULL, to say the least . . . but what better way to spend the day??? Looking forward to many more!


I just love this picture, so I had to post it! Talk about bed head!! Seeing Austin after he's had a good nap is definitely one of my very favorite things that I've experienced as a mommy. He loves pulling up on that crib and greeting us with a huge smile! How can that not make your entire day?!!!

Big Phil's 50th Birthday Escape