This past weekend we stayed in a "cabin" in the Ocala National Forest. Well, the cabin was actually a double-wide trailer that had been completed gutted and was just beautiful inside!! who knew??!!! It is owned by Carmen's boss, who so graciously let us stay there for the weekend. The group consisted of Carmen, Charlie, Jackson, Scott, Austin and me, and our dear friends Ryan and Lisa Barthelemy. Lisa is expecting their first baby and we couldn't be more excited for them! Congrats friends!! Oh, and then Nay Nay joined us on Saturday night -- we were so excited that she was able to stop by! Especially the kiddies . . .

So, we spent lots of time outside and the boys had a BLAST doing all the outdoorsy things boys do!! There was some 4-wheeling, some playing in the leaves and dirt, and we even had a bon fire and made s'mores! Although, I didn't know what to do with myself having nothing to do! A good problem to have.

While Austin was napping on Saturday, I stayed at the house with him while the rest of the group went to see "critters" in the forest. They came back raving about all the things they saw . . . let's see if I can remember everything . . . 2 bears, an antelope, a zebra, a wildebeest, some coyotes, and even a "gold" eagle (which was actually supposed to be a "bald" eagle, but who can keep that straight, right Lisa??!!!!) Evidently the bald eagle was carrying 13 arrows in one talon (representing the 13 colonies???) and an olive branch in the other. Their story was just a little far-fetched, don't you think? In all actuality, they saw NOTHING, not even a grasshopper! Ha! Oh well, it was a nice try.

All in all, it was a great weekend.
So fun!
I loved the pics...
Glad y'all had a great weekend!
Stan and I were conversing this morning about how great it is up there....until its time to go home! He says the days are always too short! I agree, plus we lost an hour with Anna's so highly anticiapted DLS! Sorry Anna, this year, DLS couldn't have come at a worse time! BUT, we had a blast and I am glad we got to spend a WHOLE weekend with everyone!
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